Pattern | Parasitisis | Symbiosis | Maze
The Storefront for Art and Architecture gallery will be hosting an architectural design challenge having as a theme “pattern”. Students are asked to design a temporary experiential structure that starts from the outside and expands towards the inside, inviting the visitor to a sensual route. Ultimately, students will unfold a design narrative based on repetition of elements.
The challenge addresses a design that will coexist with the existing facade of the space; either as a parasite or symbiotic element to the existing shell thus complementing the existing design. The proposal is not restricted only to the facade of the building but also to the interior of the gallery space. The way the facade surface expands towards the interior of the space should respect the design operation of the maze or labyrinth.
Re_Storefront for Art & Architecture
Loukia Tsafoulia
CUNY / New York City College of Technology / Architectural Technology _ ARCH 3609_visual studies course

R e _ S t o r e f r o n t f o r A r t a n d A r c h i t e c t u r e P r o j e c t s

P o r t f o l i o s

Mejia Ariel & Genao Maria

Drapey, Stelmach & Liu

Tanis Anaelle & Edwards Brendan

Norma & Chao

W o r k E v o l u t i o n

SPRING 2013 Trishita Athai, Sauda Belkaus, John Chao, Norma Chicaiza, Pasit Chongvanich, Anthony Clemente, Maksim Drapey, Brendan Edwards, Ahmed Fathy, Maria Genao, Camol Hamilton, Angela Lopez-Candiotti, Kwong Lui, Ariel Mejia, Marco Rios, Nabila Shahid, Maciej Stelmach, Anaelle Tanis