Design Studio I
Loukia Tsafoulia, Course Coordinator: Bradley Horn
CUNY / The City College of New York / Bernard & Anne Spitzer School of Architecture | ARCH61100_MArch Design Studio 1
The first in a sequence of four core design studios, this course introduces students to critical thinking, the fundamental principles of sustainable design, professional drawing conventions and model making techniques. The premise of the assigned projects include: critically approaching plan and section, thinking critically about scale, mastering various modeling techniques / materials and precision of craft, translating information from analog to digital and vice versa, generating dynamic mappings, understanding the human body as an event, thinking about context and precedents, and creatively addressing environmental questions while elaborating basic programmatic elements such as domestication.
The subject of domestic architecture is explored with special emphasis on the relationship between building and site in non-urban contexts. Through the investigation of land-form and climate as well as the social dimensions of dwelling, students explore architecture as a negotiation between cultural and natural environments. All exercises are designed to develop the student’s abilities to translate spatial concepts into physical design proposals.
P r o b l e m 01 | F i e l d s

P r o b l e m 02 | D y n a m i c M a p p i n g

P r o b l e m 03 | D w e l l i n g

FALL 2015 Sam Davidowitz-Neu, Alexandra Diaz, Ana Garcia, Marcos Gasc, Ben Grinblatt, Meisha Guild, Nancy Kelleher, Peter Kostelov, Marina Santos, Matthew Shufelt, Berk Sonmez, Gavi Wilcox