Nakagin Case II
2011 // Tokyo, Japan // preservation hypothesis // study
Again the answer is in the city!
The design strategy starts from understanding the natural growth of the building and then studies a potential growth both given by the individual as a unit living the space and from the city as a brain map constrain. The city selects and intensi¬fies. It plays a role in density, aperture, materiality, etc. The city as a field of nodes with specific characteristics for brain activity is constantly rearranging position while creating branching systems with freeze conditions of mental states. Like the master to his bonsai, the city performs constant modifications on the living art piece during generations to come. The pod is to the bonsai as the city is to the building.
We have design a spatial sequence defined by the inhabitants. Their perception of the space is always in relationship to their mental conception of the city map. Specifically in the Nakagin building the window representing the eye looking to the world should now break out and explore the city and itself