Project ReHousing
Course Overview
Project ReHousing rethinks the historically stigmatized perception of the existing Public Housing Developments. The course proposes conceptual design alterations that pay special attention to the Construction Processes applied to the mentioned model. Through Project ReHousing reimagining the urban integrity of the New York City Public Housing becomes tangible and therefore worthy of accuracy.
Course Description
This course analyzes contemporary methods of construction drawing development, purpose, and organization through the use of computer-aided design and drawing. Study is directed and guided in the preparation of a complete set of drawings: plans, sections, elevations, details and schedules. All new topics introduced will support the development of these documents.
No previous computer aided drafting (CAD) experience is required.
Course Objectives
Students will demonstrate an ability to make technically clear drawings and prepare models illustrating and identifying the assembly of materials, systems, and components appropriate for a building design.
1. Organize forms of construction documentation, students employ current techniques of contract document production with Building Information Modeling (BIM). Working independently over the course of the semester, students will prepare a BIM database of a multiphase project (Existing Building Analysis, Demolition project and New Construction), to generate and edit construction drawings, assembly details, door / window schedules, etc.
2. Propose design alternatives to an urban and architectural legacy present in all contemporary urban models.
3. Understand construction in a studio base course that deals with all possible building scales.
Textbooks / Learning Resources
Ramsey, Charels & Hoke, John Jr. Architectural Graphic Standards, Tenth Edition (Wiley. 2000)
Ching, Francis. Architectural Graphics, Fourth Edition (Van Nostrand Reinhold. 2008)
Wiggins, Glenn. A Manual of Construction Documentation, First Edition (Watson-Guptill. 1989)
Reading List
Frédéric Druot, Anne Lacaton & Jean-Philippe Vassal. (2007). plus. Spain: Editorial Gustavo Gili.
Mathieu Wellner. (2012). Reduce Reuse Recycle. Germany: Muck Petzet - Florian Heilmeyer.
Jacobs, Jane. (1961). The death and life of great American cities. New York: Random
Rossi, Aldo. (1982). The Architecture of the City. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
Wirth, Louis.”Urbanism as a way life” The American Journal of Sociology. Chicago: The
University of Chicago Press, 1938. Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 1-2.